Thursday, August 2, 2018

$2 billion as normal business!

Am I just an old fart or do I just not get the world I live in?  Wells Fargo agreed to pay a fine of 2 billion dollars (that's $2 million thousand if I have my zeros right) for wrongdoing that contributed to our last economic disaster.  Then I learned that Citibank paid a similar fine of 6 billion and then I learned that Bank of America paid over a 16 billion dollar fine. 

I cannot conceive how any company can sustain paying a 2 billion dollar fine and continue to conduct business as usual.

 How many people were affected by this wrong doing?  Why can't the fines be large enough to pay each family hurt something substantial?  How can these companies be allowed to continue to conduct the same kind of business?

Business as usual.  The rich keep getting richer on the backs of the working.  When will we wise up?