Thursday, August 2, 2012

Really stupid stuff..........

As I read the paper today I came across (as I often do) several items in the news that are just plain stupid.

Now stupid is word I use lightly (it would be stupid not to do so).  It was one of those words I taught my kids to never use; however, the experience of my advanced age has convinced me that stupidity does exist and should be discussed with the hope of eliminating some of it from the World.

I have decided; therefore, to create a list of things I find really stupid and explain why I feel that way (as time allows).

The list so far:

The Chik-fil-a controversy.

The uproar about where the USA Olympic uniforms were made.

The "need" to personally own assault weapons and justify it Constitutionally.

People who support the "right to life" yet are also warmongers.

Trickle down theory.

Long drawn out trials for people whose guilt is not in doubt.

The amount of money spent on elections.

"the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President.” Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader.

President Obama agreeing to kill a US citizen (terrorist) abroad rather then bring him back to the US for trial.

The criminalization of teenagers for possession of alcohol at 18.

   Please feel free to add to my list. Please don't load me up with things you just don't like.  I don't like black-eyed peas but they really are not stupid in anyway.  Remember: this is my list and my opinion.  Don't take it personally.  If you disagree, tell me why.  You just might teach me something.     


Liberative conservial

Political parties aside, according to Webster's: a conservative is one who adheres to traditional methods or views.  Nowhere does it mention that a conservative is ante-liberal.  Additionally,  according to Webster's: a liberal is one who is open minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional or established forms or ways.  Again, no mention that a liberal is ante-conservative.  The irony of course is that the one word (traditional) common to both definitions is the thing that is in most opposition to the meaning of these two nouns.  Untie that one philosophy majors!

I've often described myself as either the most liberal conservative or the most conservative liberal anyone could meet.  I really don't like either characterization because the truth is I am one on some issues but the other on different subjects.  Is it really necessary to be one or the other?  I think this is what hangs up our government more than anything else.  Politicians seem to feel the need to be either liberal or conservative.....PERIOD!  And somewhere along the way someone seems to have decided that in order to be a Democrat you must be a liberal and in order to be a Republican you must be a conservative.  I won't pretend to be a history scholar here but if studied it is interesting how these two parties came about in the United States and the ideas that brought them about.

The Universe has allot of black, white, and yes, grey in it.  Perhaps things would work better if we all accepted that fact.  I know this is idealistic talk and I admit having a pair of rose colored glasses. I just believe that every one's opinion is valid.  An opinion is just that.  There are some truths but most of what divides the state of the World is only right or wrong according to one's point of view.  What gets me the most is how often a person's point of view is guided by someone who has no real credibility.  Most radio show hosts and TV personalities fall into this category (another great subject to wax poetically about sometime!).  If you only listen to those who you agree with then where does the opportunity to grow come from?  I suggest that one should listen to and open the possibility to learn from those we don't agree with.   I doubt anyone will change my mind about Rush Limbaugh being a loud mouthed, uncaring, rich actor who loves to hear his own voice; however, if I listen to him once in awhile, I will hear him say something outrageous that causes me to investigate something a bit more and I might just learn something I didn't know or gain an understanding I didn't have previously.  One example: a local politician (who I don't particularly like for a number of reasons) was recently involved in a forum with his opposition (from the same party).  When the candidates were asked about major issues facing the state, his opposition mentioned education, tax reform and ethics reform.  Mr. Incumbent replied: "If we don't elect Mitt Romney as President we will be saddled with Obamacare.  If Obamacare stays in place, instead of 1.7 million Georgians on Medicare we will have 2.5 million."   Now the singularity of the answer was enough to enrage me, but it made me want to learn a bit more about Medicare, and how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will affect it.  I learned allot after about 10 minutes worth of research.  What I learned: Medicare costs allot.  Medicare provides allot of medical care for pennies on the dollar, whereas companies like AEtna provide the same level of care for multiple dollars.  The population of the United States is aging and there will be many more people in need of help to provide the health care they will need as they age.

     A close acquaintance of mine is retiring soon.  He has worked hard for 60 years.   He falls into the so-called "doughnut hole" where coverage stops because his pension and Social Security will pay him just enough to keep him above the Federal Poverty level.  He will not be able to afford the medicine he and his wife need to keep them alive.  The PPaACA will close this gap.  Yes we will have to pay for it.  And yes, I believe that the 1-2% of the people in this country who made their money off the hard work and backs of people like my friend should pay higher taxes to help pay for it.

     My point is this:  Be liberal and learn something new.  Be conservative and make decisions carefully with traditions and history in mind.  You can do both. It is quite alright to lean one way or the other (the news media should be liberal and banks should be conservative) but don't be opposed to growing and changing by examining a different point of view.

stw-----Do your very best to be better than humanly possible and not be selfish.