Thursday, August 2, 2012

Really stupid stuff..........

As I read the paper today I came across (as I often do) several items in the news that are just plain stupid.

Now stupid is word I use lightly (it would be stupid not to do so).  It was one of those words I taught my kids to never use; however, the experience of my advanced age has convinced me that stupidity does exist and should be discussed with the hope of eliminating some of it from the World.

I have decided; therefore, to create a list of things I find really stupid and explain why I feel that way (as time allows).

The list so far:

The Chik-fil-a controversy.

The uproar about where the USA Olympic uniforms were made.

The "need" to personally own assault weapons and justify it Constitutionally.

People who support the "right to life" yet are also warmongers.

Trickle down theory.

Long drawn out trials for people whose guilt is not in doubt.

The amount of money spent on elections.

"the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term President.” Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader.

President Obama agreeing to kill a US citizen (terrorist) abroad rather then bring him back to the US for trial.

The criminalization of teenagers for possession of alcohol at 18.

   Please feel free to add to my list. Please don't load me up with things you just don't like.  I don't like black-eyed peas but they really are not stupid in anyway.  Remember: this is my list and my opinion.  Don't take it personally.  If you disagree, tell me why.  You just might teach me something.     


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