Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm not looking but it's ok because I believe...

  Why don't people open their eyes?  Why do many people believe the loudest voice on the TV or radio? Why are the same mistakes made as history is ignored?  There must be profit in it for someone.  Not me; of course, I am in the lower half of the "middle class".  One thing that President Obama, Mitt Romney, George Will, and most other national politicos have in common is that they are so out of touch they cannot conceive how much of a luxury going out for a $5 McDonald's lunch is for me. To realize evidence of this it is only necessary to listen to many who say that this or that government program or tax hurts small business people.  Of course, the term "small business" includes many businesses that routinely trade over a million dollars.  Of course; to them, I could be making $200,000 a year and still be considered "middle class".  To me a small business is the mom and pop bookstore on 3rd street that has half a dozen employees.  Most people don't think to ask what is meant by "small business" or "middle class" because they are too busy believing in someone or some philosophy.

 I don't understand how anyone can believe that we can have the society we have without government regulation and by reducing taxes on those who can afford them most. I know it doesn't seem fair that Warren Buffet should have to pay a higher percentage of his money in taxes than me, but the aforementioned  hamburger costs us both the same.  If my taxes are a larger percentage of my available income (for food) than his, it affects me more.  If we both routinely buy the $5 hamburger, I don't get to buy new shoes this year and he still gets to buy a new Rolls Royce. Many "middle class" people cannot afford new shoes at all.

 The belief function of the brain and the thinking part of the brain are separate.  You can't do both at the same time.  This is a big part of the problem.  When people start believing in someone or something they stop thinking.  Remember that when your candidate of choice says something will hurt or help small businesses or the middle class: they cannot relate to what a small business or middle income level is to you and me.

 Please people: stop believing and start thinking. 


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